Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy Care

Having a safe and healthy pregnancy

Maintaining your health and safety during pregnancy is essential for both you and your baby. Along with prioritizing your well-being, there are important steps you can take to identify any potential issues early.

Help your baby stay fit and well

You can help your baby stay fit and well during your pregnancy by:
• attending all of your appointments, and having all of the tests and
checks offered
• getting to know your baby’s usual pattern of movements
• being as healthy as you can, including eating a healthy balanced
diet and keeping active
• stopping smoking
• having the flu and whooping cough vaccinations
• sleeping on your side in the last 3 months of your pregnancy
• managing any health conditions well

Your antenatal appointments, tests, and checks

Some of the tests must be done at specific times, so it’s important not to miss any.

Reduce your risk of stillbirth

Tragically, four babies are stillborn each week in Scotland, a heartbreaking experience for any family. While the cause is sometimes unknown, there are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of stillbirth:
• Sleep on your side: From 24 weeks of pregnancy, sleeping on your side is safer as it helps maintain proper blood flow to your baby. If you wake up on your back, don’t worry—simply return to lying on your side.
• Avoid smoking: Smoking during pregnancy reduces oxygen flow to your baby and significantly increases the risk of stillbirth.
• Monitor your baby’s movements: Familiarize yourself with your baby’s regular movement patterns. If you notice any changes, such as reduced or stopped movements, contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately using your emergency contact details.

Taking these precautions can make a meaningful difference in your baby’s health and well-being.

Stay Healthy

When you’re pregnant or trying for a baby, be as healthy as you can by:
• eating healthy foods
• being active
• not drinking alcohol
Your doctor can give you advice and information about staying healthy.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is the biggest cause of health issues in developing and newborn babies, so stopping is the best thing you can do for both you and your baby.

Flu and whooping cough vaccinations

Expectant mothers are encouraged to receive the flu vaccine at any stage of pregnancy to prepare for flu season and the whooping cough vaccine starting from week 18 of each pregnancy.

Manage your health well

If you have a long-term physical or mental health condition before you’re pregnant, make sure it’s well managed and controlled. Speak to your GP.